Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Facilities
People who have drinking problems know that rehab is something they may need to consider, but they may be wary of having to live at an inpatient center. They do have the option of enrolling in an outpatient program that may actually be more beneficial to their progress than the inpatient facility can be in some of cases.
What Is Outpatient Alcohol Rehab?
Outpatient alcohol rehab facilities allow for the residents to sleep in their own beds at night after spending the day at the facility. These facilities are the most convenient option for those who need to be at home to take care of their families or are unable to take time off of work to attend residential rehab. Other good candidates for outpatient treatment are those who have entered into residential programs in the past but need to have a refresher course. It’s also a good choice for those who do not have the most severe alcohol addiction problems, because these programs do not necessarily offer the medications people sometimes need to live through the withdrawal symptoms.
Services Provided at Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Facilities
Patients who are having difficulties keeping their drinking under control have outpatient alcohol rehab as an alternative to weekly visits with a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Outpatient alcohol rehab facilities have daily therapeutic counseling for people in this position. They will be engaged in their scheduled counseling sessions several times a week either during the day or at night.
Outpatient alcohol rehab centers offer group counseling as well as individual counseling sessions to encourage a connection between the patients’ drinking and their emotional/psychological issues. A common problem for people addicted to alcohol is the fact that they lose the capability of simply taking care of themselves. These facilities offer life skills training courses for those who need them so they can re-enter society as productive members again.
Outpatient alcohol rehab does not have the capability to provide the medication needed by those experiencing withdrawal, but it does have some capacity to perform medical assessments. Sometimes, people have underlying psychological and psychiatric issues that need to be diagnosed before an effective treatment can take place. Outpatient services can address issues such as these as well.
Benefits of Outpatient Alcohol Rehab
Outpatient services benefit those addicted to alcohol in a myriad of ways. For those who are not so severely addicted, it offers them a chance to participate in extensive treatment without disrupting their daily lives. They will learn new life skills at the same time that they can return home and practice what they have learned. As they are continuing living their normal lives, they have a constant system of support they draw upon whenever they need it.
Outpatient rehab is advantageous for those who cannot afford to enter into an inpatient facility. Therefore, those addicted to alcohol do not have to forgo treatment because they are unable to spend significant time away from home in an expensive rehabilitation center. It also allows them to remain with family and friends who may be very good influences on them in helping them maintain their progress.